

Searching like a desperate
scientist. Boxer in the library.
Crumbs of progress. My ladder,
my version. Resolute, manufacturing
bandages. I’m done fleeing. Face
my skeletons, heal and charge.
I left the house for a change. Free
to breathe. Little cafe table, I’m
outside feeling the hot sun.
Drinking nitro cold brew. There’s
no wind to speak of. I prefer the
bustle sound. People winning and 
celebrating. My fellow voices.
There are small white clouds
overhead. Floating innocent. Wispy.
I notice an airplane zooming by much
faster. I think about booking myself
a flight. Instead I’ll finish waking up.
Head home. Hydrate. Read and sing,
try to paint. Hopefully at the end I’ll find
a beautiful life. I’m pulling the best
from my stay. This galaxy wears
different costumes. Drills and pliers.
Heaven was a blink. I’ve gambled.
The most dangerous casino, rolled
my dice. I accepted what cards
were handed to me. They dealt
massive damage, almost took me
out. I played piano in the dark.
Maybe if I had fought harder
I wouldn’t be processing so much
pain at this stage. I’m riding waves,
pocketing chunky pieces. Improving,
relying on myself.

